25th April, 2020

Real Heroes from Real Fruit Power

In this battle against the pandemic, there are so many heroes who are fighting on the frontlines. Doctors, nurses, essential workers, and the police force – all who are stepping out daily and trying to save as many lives as possible. Then there are the factory workers and salespeople who are putting their work first – ahead of their health – to ensure the supply chain of essentials is not disrupted.

And then there are the less fortunate who despite facing immense financial hardships, are protecting themselves and the nation by staying at home and following social distancing. Each and every one of these individuals is a Real Hero and the following video is a tribute to these Real Heroes from Real Fruit Power.

Click here to watch the video:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FC50tixL3Y



Each and every one of these individuals is a Real Hero.”