About us:
We are the strategic investment platform of the Burman Family, the control shareholders of the Dabur Group. Dabur was founded in 1884 by Dr. S.K. Burman and is today one of the largest Indian Fast Moving Consumer Good Company in India with over US$1 billion in revenue and a market capitalization of over US$12 billion. We are long-term, active investors with a focus on investments in early-stage companies that we believe will become leaders in their respective industries. We are looking for investment opportunities in businesses primarily in the areas of Healthcare, Financial Services, Hospitality, Education, and Media.
20 years of investments
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ペイアウト評価は、投資家が投資の成果を評価する一つの指標である。https://t-gripbarbell.com/ 具体的には、商品やサービスを販売する企業が得た利益を、株主に配当として分配する割合を示す。これを高く設定する企業は、株主への利益還元を重視すれば、その反面、自社の事業拡大に投資する余裕が減少する可能性もある。一方、これを低く設定する企業は、自社の成長に貢献する可能性があるが、株主からの評価は低くなるかもしれない。このバランスを如何に取るかが重要である。
We have over the last twenty years invested over US $500 million in various businesses primarily in India, and have partnered and joint ventured with many of the leading Fortune 100 companies from around the world.

What makes us different:
As a proprietary family capital based platform, we are not constrained by rigid investment mandates of a typical Private Equity / Venture Capital fund. This affords us the flexibility to be more innovative while making investment decisions and screen a wider variety of opportunities.
Working closely & Supporting Growth:
We work very closely with our portfolio businesses in supporting their growth, while giving them the independence to operate and manage the company.
Longer term views:
Unlike a typical investment fund, we also do not have a defined life cycle to deploy and return capital, which gives us the ability to take longer term views on the businesses that we invest in.
Why partner with us?
Having seen the journey of Dabur over the last several decades, we understand the unique challenges of building a successful business in India. Besides contributing capital, we bring to leverage the unique business networks and industry relationships that we have established over the years.
Our portfolio businesses also benefit from the reputation and brand equity of the family name, thus making it easier for the businesses to forge new relationships with vendors and attract high quality employees. We also encourage our investee businesses to collaborate and set-up a mutually reinforcing ecosystem by sharing resources and best practices.

How we invest:
Local partnerships with
Global businesses
Launch greenfield venture in India through Joint Ventures, partnerships with global businesses that are exploring Indian market and looking for a value-add local partner.
Local Entrepreneurs and businesses
Invest in local Indian businesses that are led by high-quality entrepreneurs & management teams that are building pioneering businesses in our sectors of interest.
When we invest:
When investing in existing businesses, we are not constrained by the size/stage of the investment and have the flexibility to enter at different stages of the company lifecycle. However, we generally invest only when we can own a sizeable shareholding which provides us with certain governance rights and the ability to actively participate in the future strategy of the business.
Investing outside India
More recently Burman Family Holdings have started investing in businesses outside of India, with a particular focus on consumer-facing branded businesses.
20 years of experience, investing
over $500 million & Joint ventures
with leading fortune 100
companies globally
Local Partnerships with Global Businesses
Local Entrepreneurs and Businesses
Investing outside India
Exited Investments
Burman Family Holdings
D5 Albany, London W1J 0AP, UK
2nd Floor, Express Building, 9-10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002